Online Subscriptions

Most publications are available online. Your loved one may have several subscriptions despite the absence of a printed magazine or newspaper. The subscriptions are usually accessed through their email.

Many of these publications offer an automatic renewal feature that makes it necessary for you to identify and cancel them. Although some publications are part of membership, they may not be stopped when you notify the organization about your loved one’s death.

When you know your loved one’s password and username or email you must login to their account to begin the process.

American Automobile Association (AAA) World

To cancel an AAA World subscription call 800-763-9900.

American Association of Retired Persons (AARP) Magazine

To cancel an AARP Magazine subscription call 800-514-4564.


Send Forbes a deletion request at and include their username and your email.

Good Housekeeping

To cancel a Good Housekeeping Magazine subscription call 800-888-7788, begin chat, or send them a message.

Local Newspapers

Check your loved one’s email for access to the online version and look for contact information for the newspaper. You could do a web search for the contact information of your local paper.

National Geographic

To cancel a National Geographic Magazine subscription call 800-895-2068, send them an email, or if you know their account number and password), log in to the National Geographic customer service page.


To cancel a Newsweek Magazine subscription call 800-631-1040 or send them an . 


Password and account number known

Password and account number unknownTo cancel a People Magazine subscription call 800-541-9000 or send them a message.

Reader's Digest

Password and account number knownSign in to their Reader’s Digest account with their account number and zip code. Select Cancel My Subscription on the left-hand menu.

Password and account number unknownCall Reader’s Digest’s helpline at 877-732-4438, customer service at 800-310-2181, or send them an email.

Rolling Stone

To cancel a Rolling Stone Magazine subscription call customer service at 855-259-6134 or send them an email.

Sports Illustrated

Password, account number, and email known

Password, account number, and email unknownCall Sports Illustrated customer service at 888-806-4833 or send them an email.

Taste of Home

To cancel a Taste of Home Magazine subscription call customer service at 800-344-2560 or send them an email.

The Atlantic

Password and email known

Password and email unknownCall Taste of Home customer service at 855-940-0585 or send them a message.

The New York Times

The New York Times requires that you contact customer service to delete an account.

The New Yorker

Password and email known

Password and username unknownTo cancel a The New Yorker Magazine subscription call 800-444-7570 or send them an email.

The Wall Street Journal

To cancel a The Wall Street Journal Newspaper subscription contact Customer Service.


Password and account number knownLog in to Time Magazine’ Account Management page using their account number and password. 

Password and account number unknownCall 800-843-8463 or 866-550-6934.

Trade, professional organization, or other work-related journals

Check your loved one’s email for access to an online version and look for contact information for the journal. You could do a web search for the contact information for any organizations you know they are associated with.

US News and World Report

To cancel a US News and World Report Newspaper subscription send them a message.

USA Today

To cancel a USA Today Newspaper subscription call Customer Service at 800-872-0001.


To cancel a Vogue Magazine subscription contact Customer Service at 800-234-2347, by message, or by email.